Day 3: 200 Words
A few days ago, I was mad at my husband. It wasn’t a
big-deal mad, but I was tired, recovering from a cold, and caught up in the
general busy-ness of having a toddler and working full time. I wanted some
attention and help from him, and I had a little fit about it all.
I realized something, though, in the midst of that
mini-meltdown, about marriage and trust and love.
My husband is not perfect. Sometimes, he’s going to make me
angry. He’s going to be self-absorbed or inattentive or forget to empty the
dishwasher. But even when I’m upset with him, I know that he’s working on
becoming a better man. I can trust that he is doing the best he can in that
moment to be the best husband to me and father to our girl that he can be, and
I can trust that he wants to do whatever it takes to make our marriage strong
and happy.
In so many ways, that’s all I ever wanted. I’m also not
perfect, and I’m going to screw up sometimes, but I can promise to do my best
to get it right, to sacrifice in love for him.
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